Networking Event
"Investment decisions in solar energy" - Middelburg (NL), 14 Oct 2019Shaping the energy transition in a historic city centre is a challenge.
Experts in this field explained from policy and practical perspectives how we can deal with this, addressing barriers such as grid integration and integrating PV’s in a historical setting.
Which factors play a role in making the right investment decisions in Solar energy?
This network event was intended for businesses, the construction sector, installers, policy makers, local councils, commercial organizations, students and anyone who is involved or interested in solar technologies and implementations. All of them agreed that the challenges are great and thanks to the innovation and networking of Solarise partners during this event we finally could:
- compare how other municipalities realize similar projects
- have a clear overview about the safety regulations and tricks
- how to avoid additional costs and time consuming issues
- receive real time data and expertise by experts on the field
- involve all stakeholders and convince them of the added value and long-term results
We would like to thank all partners who participated to the success of this event. If you would like to stay informed of the progress of the Interreg 2Seas Solarise project you can subscribe to our trimestrial newsletter.