Seeing Preserving Does Preserving at Middelburg (NL)
The solar energy pilot project on historic buildings in Middelburg is a good example for other Dutch municipalities and owners of historic buildings. Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands has therefore recorded a film of the Q-roof on the Helm in the historic inner city of Middelburg.
Conserving heritage
The Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE) is part of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The RCE implements laws and regulations and heritage policy that the ministry and the service make together. We also develop practically applicable knowledge and give advice on national monuments, landscape & living environment, archaeology and movable heritage. In doing so, we take into account the ambitions of the government, such as the Climate Agreement and the policy letter Erfgoed Telt in which the Minister of Education, Culture and Science states to invest in the sustainability of our heritage.
… and include sustainability in heritage
In order to realize these ambitions, the Heritage and Sustainability program was launched in 2019, which focuses, among other things, on making buildings (monuments) more sustainable. The program wants to stimulate to make monuments as sustainable as possible. This means: striving for a maximum reduction of CO2 emissions with an eye for cultural-historical values. We do this by inspiring owners and making them enthusiastic about making their monument more sustainable.
We will produce about 50 short films in which monument owners who have dared to make their monument more sustainable have a say, based on the idea: “seeing sustainability makes sustainability possible” (Zien Verduurzamen Doet Verduurzamen). The videos deal with the various sustainability measures and show different types of monuments. Every two weeks there will be a video online on the website of the RCE: There is also a Sustainable Heritage playlist on Youtube. The movie we made about the Q-Roof installation will be online on June 30.